
The clinic is conveniently located in the heart of the Southside of Birmingham a few blocks from the Vulcan land mark. Feel free to call for more specific directions if you are having trouble locating us or are from out of town.


24-48 hours before your appointment it is suggested that you eat primarily fruits, vegetables and grains unless you are on a special diet in which case always adhere to your doctor’s requirements.  Drink plenty of water.  Two hours prior to your appointment please refrain from eating and limit your water intake.

Directly before and after you appointment avoid:  alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, chocolate, fried food, processed food, sugar, dairy products and junk food.

Also avoid gas producing foods such as: Beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, eggs and peppers.

Beneficial foods to eat directly following your session (unless otherwise following a specific diet prescribed by your doctor) are: soups, cooked vegetables, raw fruit and whole grains. Consider limiting meat consumption in general.